After centuries of development, western red cedar siding is still the most demanded and favourite of all.
No technology has been able to duplicate its unique characteristics and properties, and none have been able to match its elegance and stunning beauty.
Western cedar siding comes in variety of natural hues, textures and patterns for giving every architectural design and natural yet everlasting grace and beauty.
The red cedar siding includes raw material that contains no petroleum based products, thus making it friendly to the environment, thereby preventing undesirable effects. Also, the cedar wood is a completely renewable source.
White cedar siding utilizes mature white cedar extracted from the forests of Wisconsin, Upper peninsula of Michigan, Northern Minnesota and the northern lake superior region of Ontario.
Red Cedar Siding: Durable and a value for money
Western red cedar siding also tops in durability and value. Since, it has a natural resistance to fungi, insects and decay; red cedar siding also prevents the use of toxic sprays or fungicides.
Western red cedar siding is also costs the half of what one would spend on other composite materials like plastics, vinyl’s or aluminum.
Even though various processes are required such as installation and finishing of red cedar siding, it is all easy to work, shape and finish it.
Maintenance and restoring
Composed of natural elements and even grain in consistent density, prevents the western cedar siding from undesirable effects such as swelling, twists or curls. And, to furnish or restore them, the process goes with an ease, thereby providing a brand new look to the product. Some of the materials employed in the maintenance of western cedar siding are include water -repellents, oil-based or latex stains and paints.
Red Cedar Siding Vs. White Cedar Siding
White cedar siding is traditionally a material of old-styled cottages, whereas red cedar comes mainly from the Pacific Northwest, has been considered a higher-end material choice.
White cedar is a texture of yellow and beige colour whereas; red cedar on the other hand is more of a reddish-maroon colour.
Since red cedar is harvested late, its sidings are superior to that of the young white cedar siding. Hence, making red cedar siding crack less and twist less.
Even though more costly than white cedar, red cedar stains well and is tougher and longer-lasting material. But, a demerit of red cedar siding is that over a span of few months, it takes up a natural, light gray colouration similar to that of white cedar.